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Lab Head Name Location Organisms Research Subject Website URL
Galizia Galizia University of Konstanz, Neurobiology
Rössler Groh University of Würzburg, Biocenter Ants (Camponotus), Honeybee Neuroethology, synaptic plasticity, behavior
Rössler Rössler University of Würzburg, Biocenter Ants (Cataglyphis, Camponotus, Atta), Honeybee, Bumblebee neuroethology of olfaction, navigation, long-term-memory, behavioral plasticity
Kleineidam Kleineidam University of Konstanz, Biology Ants and Bees Neural Basis of Social Organization
Dürr Strube-Bloss Bielefeld University, Biology apis mellifera, bombus terrestris, carausius morosus, Aretaon asperrimus Multimodal integration and learning related plasticity
Wolf Wolf Ulm University, Institute of Neurobiology Arthropods arthropod neurobiology: neuroanatomy and evolution, behavior and motor control, sensorimotor integration, neuronal network modeling, desert ant (Cataglyphis) navigation, scorpion chemosensory system, inhibitory motor neurons
Nawrot Deisig Universität zu Köln, Department of Zoology bees, moths, cockroaches insect olfaction
Egelhaaf Lindemann Bielefeld University, Neurobiology Blowflies computational modeling of visually guided behaviour
Egelhaaf Roland Bielefeld University, Neurobiology Blowflies neural mechanisms underlying visual guided behaviour
Egelhaaf Egelhaaf Bielefeld University, Neurobiology Blowflies, Bumblebees neual mechanisms underlying spatial vision and learning
Egelhaaf Olivier Bielefeld University, Neurobiology Bumblebees spatial navigation, behavioural analysis and modelling
Haverkamp Haverkamp Wageningen University, Laboratory of Entomology butterflies, Hawkmoths Learning and memory formation, host-plant selection
Kaiser Kaiser Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Evolutionary Biology, Max Planck research Group "Biological Clocks" Clunio marinus circalunar and circadian clocks
Rampon Trannoy CNRS, Research Center on Animal Cognition CNRS neurobiology of social behavior
Grosjean Grosjean CNRS, Center for Taste and Feeding Behavior CNRS/CSGA Neurobiology of the chemosensory system focusing on the role of glial cells
Raymond Raymond University of Angers, - cockroach, aphid, mosquitoe
Stein Stein Illinois State University, School of Biological Sciences crab, crayfish Sensory neurophysiology and modulation of neuronal networks
Wellmann Smarandache-Wellmann University of Cologne, Biocenter Crayfish coordination of neural oscillators
Stevenson Stevenson University of Leipzig, - Cricket Gryllus neuobiology of aggression
Stumpner Stumpner University of Goettingen, Cellular Neurobiology, Schwann-Schleiden-Forschungszentrum cricket, locust, bushcricket auditory processing
Casas Casas university of Tours, - crickets/spiders/parasitic wasps/ physical ecology of insects
Harzsch Harzsch University of Greifswald, Zoological Institute and Museum crustaceans olfactory system, brain development
Warren Warren University of Leicester, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Desert Locust (Schistocerca gregaria) Mechanotransduction, hearing, concussion
Nawrot Nawrot University of Cologne, Biocenter Diverse neural network computation and functional plasticity
Landgraf Landgraf University of Cambridge, Department of Zoology Drosophila development of motor networks, plasticity, reactive oxygen species signalling