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Lab Head Name Location Organisms Research Subject Website URL
Ito Ito University of Cologne, Biocenter Drosophila melanogaster neuronal circuit architecture
Kempf Kempf Universität Basel, Biozentrum drosophila melanogaster Neuronal control of homeostatically controlled behaviours
von Philipsborn von Philipsborn université de Fribourg, Department for Movement and Neuroscience Medicine Section, Faculty for Science and Medicine University of Fribourg, Switzerland Drosophila melanogaster Reproductive biology, Neuroscience, Acoustic communcation
Billeter Billeter university of Groningen, Groningen Institute for evolutionary Lifes Sciences Drosophila melanogaster Neurogenetics of social and sexual behaviours
Storkebaum Storkebaum Radboud University, Department of Molecular Neurobiology Drosophila melanogaster molecular mechanisms underlying motor neurodegenerative diseases
Felsenberg Felsenberg Friedrich Miescher Insitute for Biomedical Research, Neurobiology Drosophila melanogaster Memory re-evaluation
Konstantinides Konstantinides Institut Jacques Monod, - Drosophila melanogaster Evolution of neurodevelopment mechanisms
Schirmeier Schirmeier Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Zoology Drosophila melanogaster neuroenergetics
Grunwald Kadow Grunwald Kadow University Bonn, School of Medicine Drosophila and mice Neural circuits of adaptive behavior, chemosensory processing, decision-making
Landgraf Landgraf University of Cambridge, Department of Zoology Drosophila development of motor networks, plasticity, reactive oxygen species signalling