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Lab Head Name Location Organisms Research Subject Website URL
Egelhaaf Roland Bielefeld University, Neurobiology Blowflies neural mechanisms underlying visual guided behaviour
Nawrot Deisig Universität zu Köln, Department of Zoology bees, moths, cockroaches insect olfaction
Wolf Wolf Ulm University, Institute of Neurobiology Arthropods arthropod neurobiology: neuroanatomy and evolution, behavior and motor control, sensorimotor integration, neuronal network modeling, desert ant (Cataglyphis) navigation, scorpion chemosensory system, inhibitory motor neurons
Dürr Strube-Bloss Bielefeld University, Biology apis mellifera, bombus terrestris, carausius morosus, Aretaon asperrimus Multimodal integration and learning related plasticity
Kleineidam Kleineidam University of Konstanz, Biology Ants and Bees Neural Basis of Social Organization
Rössler Rössler University of Würzburg, Biocenter Ants (Cataglyphis, Camponotus, Atta), Honeybee, Bumblebee neuroethology of olfaction, navigation, long-term-memory, behavioral plasticity
Rössler Groh University of Würzburg, Biocenter Ants (Camponotus), Honeybee Neuroethology, synaptic plasticity, behavior
Galizia Galizia University of Konstanz, Neurobiology