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Lab Head Name Location Organisms Research Subject Website URL
Kempf Kempf Universität Basel, Biozentrum drosophila melanogaster Neuronal control of homeostatically controlled behaviours
Kittel Kittel University of Leipzig, Institute for Biology Drosophila molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity annd sensory physiology
Kiya Kiya Kanazawa University, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology fly, honeybee, silkmoth Immediate early genes
Klämbt Klämbt University of Münster, Institute for Neuro- and Behavioral Biology Drosophila Glia
Kleineidam Kleineidam University of Konstanz, Biology Ants and Bees Neural Basis of Social Organization
Kloppenburg Kloppenburg University of Cologne, Biocenter
Konstantinides Konstantinides Institut Jacques Monod, - Drosophila melanogaster Evolution of neurodevelopment mechanisms
Korsching Korsching University of Cologne, Department of Biology Zebrafish chemosensation
Krieger Krieger Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Department of Animal Physiology, Institute of Biology/Zoology Heliothis virescens, Schistocerca gregaria, Anopheles gambiae Olfactory reception and signal transduction
Krieger Fleischer Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Department of Animal Physiology, Institute of Biology/Zoology Schistocerca gregaria, Heliothis virescens Olfactory reception and signal transduction