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Lab Head Name Location Organisms Research Subject Website URL
Zwaka zwaka Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (LIN), behavioral neuroscience Zebrafish Sleep
Zill Zill University of Cologne, Animal Physiology and Neurobiology stick insects, cockroaches, blowflies Neurobiology of sensory feedback and pattern generation
Ziegler Ziegler University of Münster, Institute for Neuro- and Behavioral Biology Drosophila Neurodevelopment
Löfstedt Zhang Lund University, Department of Biology ticks, spiders, moths chemosensation
Bruce Shillito Zbinden Sorbonne Universite, Laboratory of biology of aquatic organisms and ecosystems hydrothermal shrimp Symbiosis and sensory perception in hydrothermal shrimps
Zandawala Zandawala University of Würzburg, Biocenter Drosophila Neuromodulation of feeding-related behaviors
Yarali Yarali Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (LIN), RG Molecular Systems Biology of Learning Drosophila associative learning and memory, olfaction, genetic bases, neurocircuits
Wolf Wolf Ulm University, Institute of Neurobiology Arthropods arthropod neurobiology: neuroanatomy and evolution, behavior and motor control, sensorimotor integration, neuronal network modeling, desert ant (Cataglyphis) navigation, scorpion chemosensory system, inhibitory motor neurons
Hansson Wicher Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Chemical Ecology, Department of Evolutionary Neuroethology Drosophila olfactory transduction, signal cascades, ion channels
Wernet Wernet Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Biology Drosophila Neural circuits underlying skylight navigation
Wegener Wegener University of Würzburg, Biocenter Drosophila the role of neuropeptide signalling and the circadian clock in regulating behaviour and metabolism
Warren Warren University of Leicester, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Desert Locust (Schistocerca gregaria) Mechanotransduction, hearing, concussion
von Philipsborn von Philipsborn université de Fribourg, Department for Movement and Neuroscience Medicine Section, Faculty for Science and Medicine University of Fribourg, Switzerland Drosophila melanogaster Reproductive biology, Neuroscience, Acoustic communcation
T. Thang Vo-Doan Vo-Doan The University of Queensland, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering Drosophila melanogaster, beetle, cockroach biorobotics, biomechanics, insect tracking
Vanden Broeck Vanden Broeck KU Leuven, Animal Physiology and Neurobiology
Gompel Turetzek (Zhang) LMU München, Biozentrum, Department II Spiders: Pholcus phalangioides, Parasteatoda tepidariorum; Diff. Drosophila species: Drosophila melanogaster, Drosophila suzukii Sense organ development and evolution
Rampon Trannoy CNRS, Research Center on Animal Cognition CNRS neurobiology of social behavior
Thum Thum University of Leipzig, Center for Life Sciences Drosophila neuronal circuits and behavior
Thamm Thamm University of Würzburg, Biocenter honeybee gene expression, biogenic amine receptors, division of labor
Tavosanis Tavosanis German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) Bonn, Dynamics of Neuronal Circuits Drosophila Dendrite differentiation, adult plasticity
Su Su University of California San Diego, Department of Neurobiology Drosophila melanogaster Olfactory neuromodulation and information processing
Stumpner Stumpner University of Goettingen, Cellular Neurobiology, Schwann-Schleiden-Forschungszentrum cricket, locust, bushcricket auditory processing
Dürr Strube-Bloss Bielefeld University, Biology apis mellifera, bombus terrestris, carausius morosus, Aretaon asperrimus Multimodal integration and learning related plasticity
Rössler Strube-Bloss University of Würzburg, Biocenter Honeybee Bumblebee neural correlates of multimodal integration
Straw Straw University of Freiburg, Institute of Biology 1 Drosophila behavior, neurobiology