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Lab Head Name Location Organisms Research Subject Website URL
Stein Stein Illinois State University, School of Biological Sciences crab, crayfish Sensory neurophysiology and modulation of neuronal networks
Zill Zill University of Cologne, Animal Physiology and Neurobiology stick insects, cockroaches, blowflies Neurobiology of sensory feedback and pattern generation
Smith Smith Arizona State University, School of Life Sciences honey bee; fruit fly; mouse; human Olfaction; odor discrimination and categorization; imaging; electrophysiology
Su Su University of California San Diego, Department of Neurobiology Drosophila melanogaster Olfactory neuromodulation and information processing
Storkebaum Storkebaum Radboud University, Department of Molecular Neurobiology Drosophila melanogaster molecular mechanisms underlying motor neurodegenerative diseases
Haverkamp Haverkamp Wageningen University, Laboratory of Entomology butterflies, Hawkmoths Learning and memory formation, host-plant selection
Billeter Billeter university of Groningen, Groningen Institute for evolutionary Lifes Sciences Drosophila melanogaster Neurogenetics of social and sexual behaviours
Vanden Broeck Vanden Broeck KU Leuven, Animal Physiology and Neurobiology
Plaçais/Preat Plaçais ESPCI Paris, Brain Plasticity Drosophila brain energy metabolism and memory formation
Plaçais/Preat pavlowsky ESPCI Paris, Brain Plasticity Drosophila Mitochondria physiology and memory formation
Casas Casas university of Tours, - crickets/spiders/parasitic wasps/ physical ecology of insects
Lucas CHATTERJEE inra, sensory ecology Drosophila, Agrotis, Spodoptera circuit neuroscience
Rampon Giurfa Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, Research Center on Animal Cognition honey bee, ant, bumble bee learning memory
Grosjean Grosjean CNRS, Center for Taste and Feeding Behavior CNRS/CSGA Neurobiology of the chemosensory system focusing on the role of glial cells
Seugnet Seugnet Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon drosophila Neurobiology of sleep/wake
ROYET Kurz aix marseille University, Biological Sciences IBDM Exposure to bacteria and behaviors
Sandoz Carcaud Paris-Saclay University, EGCE honey bees, bumble bees, drosophila Evolution of the olfactory and gustatory information processing in Hymenoptera
Padmanabhan Garcès ENS-Lyon, IGFL Drosophila Brain and ventral nerve cord circuitry in Drosophila
Heiko Roedel D'ETTORRE University Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Nord, Zoology University Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Nord Communication and Cognition in Social Insects
Maibeche DACHER Sorbonne Universite, Institute for Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris moths, scorpions, whip-spiders, bees Learning, memory and plasticity in relation to sugar feeding
Bruce Shillito Zbinden Sorbonne Universite, Laboratory of biology of aquatic organisms and ecosystems hydrothermal shrimp Symbiosis and sensory perception in hydrothermal shrimps
Preat/Plaçais Preat ESPCI Paris, Brain Plasticity Drosophila Memory and energy metabolism, Alzheimer's disease
Raymond Raymond University of Angers, - cockroach, aphid, mosquitoe
Giangrande Cattenoz Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology, Functional genomics and cancer IGBMC I work on the development of the glia and the macrophages in Drosophila
Emmanuel Perisse Perisse Institute of Functional Genomics, University of Montpellier Fruit fly Neural circuits and value coding