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Lab Head Name Location Organisms Research Subject Website URL
Wernet Wernet Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Biology Drosophila Neural circuits underlying skylight navigation
Linneweber Linneweber Freie Universität Berlin, Neurobiology Drosophila, Ants Individual variation in brain wiring
Pflüger Pflüger Freie Universität Berlin, Biology Insects (locusts, tobacco hawkmoths, cockroaches, fruit flies) Sensory-motor integration and development, neuromodulation, evolution of circuits
Hütteroth Hütteroth University of Leipzig, Department of Genetics Drosophila associative learning & memory, nutritional information processing, motor learning, neuropeptides, neuronal circuits
Langenhan Langenhan University of Leipzig, Division of General Biochemistry Drosophila Signaling properties of neuronal proteins; Sensory physiology of mechanosensation
Langenhan Ljaschenko University of Leipzig, Division of General Biochemistry Drosophila Physiological properties of synaptic transmission
Langenhan Scholz University of Leipzig, Division of General Biochemistry Drosophila Signaling properties of neuronal proteins
Stevenson Stevenson University of Leipzig, - Cricket Gryllus neuobiology of aggression
Thum Thum University of Leipzig, Center for Life Sciences Drosophila neuronal circuits and behavior
Pauls Pauls University of Leipzig, Institute for Biology Drosophila functional dissection of neuronal circuits underlying learning and memory