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Lab Head Name Location Organisms Research Subject Website URL
Homberg Homberg University of Marburg, Faculty of Biology locust, cockroach polarization vision, spatial orientation, central complex
Wolf Wolf Ulm University, Institute of Neurobiology Arthropods arthropod neurobiology: neuroanatomy and evolution, behavior and motor control, sensorimotor integration, neuronal network modeling, desert ant (Cataglyphis) navigation, scorpion chemosensory system, inhibitory motor neurons
Kleineidam Kleineidam University of Konstanz, Biology Ants and Bees Neural Basis of Social Organization
Straw Straw University of Freiburg, Institute of Biology 1 Drosophila behavior, neurobiology
Goerlitz Goerlitz Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Ornithology, Acoustic and Functional Ecology moths, Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea, Noctuidae, bushcrickets, katydids, Tettigonidae Sensory Ecology & Physology
Soba Soba FAU, Institute of Physiology Drosophila neuronal development and circuit function
Ache Ache University of Würzburg, Biocenter Drosophila Sensorimotor flexibility
Haberkern Haberkern University of Würzburg, Biocenter Drosophila, desert ant (Cataglyphis) Visually guided navigation
Thamm Thamm University of Würzburg, Biocenter honeybee gene expression, biogenic amine receptors, division of labor
Förster Förster University of Würzburg, Biocenter Drosophila circadian clock