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Lab Head Name Location Organisms Research Subject Website URL
Berg Berg Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Department of Psychology Heliothine moths, Helicoverapa armigera Olfaction
Krieger Krieger Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Department of Animal Physiology, Institute of Biology/Zoology Heliothis virescens, Schistocerca gregaria, Anopheles gambiae Olfactory reception and signal transduction
Rampon Giurfa Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, Research Center on Animal Cognition honey bee, ant, bumble bee learning memory
Galizia Nouvian University of Konstanz, Biologie AG. Galizia honey bee, bumble bee
Smith Smith Arizona State University, School of Life Sciences honey bee; fruit fly; mouse; human Olfaction; odor discrimination and categorization; imaging; electrophysiology
Sandoz Carcaud Paris-Saclay University, EGCE honey bees, bumble bees, drosophila Evolution of the olfactory and gustatory information processing in Hymenoptera
Menzel Menzel Freie Universität Berlin, Biology Honeybee Behavior Electrophysiology
Grünewald Grünewald Goethe-University Frankfurt, FB 15 - Biowissenschaften Honeybee Learning and Memory, Social Behaviour
Thamm Thamm University of Würzburg, Biocenter honeybee gene expression, biogenic amine receptors, division of labor
Rössler Strube-Bloss University of Würzburg, Biocenter Honeybee Bumblebee neural correlates of multimodal integration